Monday, February 2, 2015

Awkward First Post

"Everyone says I should write a blog, so here I am."

It's the same old story, right? Everyone wants to be a blogger. Everyone thinks they've got "it." Well, I don't know exactly what "it" is or that I have anymore of "it" than other bloggers. I just know that I used to be a writer. I can't say whether I was a particularly good at it or not but I can say that I was more at peace with myself when I was writing. I could use a little peace in my life right now. So, since I can't be here 24 hours a day:

Fort Bragg, California 2010
I'll return to writing in an attempt to find my center and make sense of the chaos. I won't bother with some lengthy and descriptive intro about who I am. Chances are that if you're reading this, you already know me. If you don't, don't worry. It won't take you long to get a handle on my personality. I'm bold and in your face like that. 

So, what can you expect as i venture down the rabbit hole of blogging? I have no idea. I know you'll be subjected to my fitness journey and stories about my evil spawn daughter Molly. Hopefully I make you laugh. Maybe I'll get lucky and I'll make you think deeply and profoundly about the state of the world. One of those is more likely to happen than the other, by the way.

I've always wondered how people decide what to write about on their first blog post. Even more so, I wonder how they decide how to wrap up their first post. Do they just stop typing when they've run out of things to say? Because I can ramble on like this all day...

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